Meetings and Minutes
Please join us!
We need as many parents as possible to attend our monthly meetings. At the meetings, you'll get informative updates about the Band Program from our Band Director and Boosters Officers. It's also a great opportunity for parents to ask questions, offer new ideas, and get to know fellow band parents.
2022-2023 Schedule and Minutes
September 14, 2022 Meeting | FAB interim treasurer report - Minutes
September 21, 2022 Special Meeting (January Disney Trip) | Information/minutes
June 6, 2023 Meeting I Proposed bylaws | Minutes
2020-2021 Schedule and Minutes
All meetings begin at 6pm and are virtual until further notice.
July 6, 2020 - Work Session: Minutes
Monday, September 14, 2020: Minutes
Monday, October 19, 2020: Minutes
November 9, 2020: Minutes
December 14, 2020: Minutes
January 11, 2021: Minutes
February 8, 2021: Minutes
March 8, 2021: Minutes
April 12, 2021: 501(c)(3) Work Session
May 10, 2021: Minutes
June 14, 2021: Minutes and Adopted SY 2021-22 Budget
2018-19 Minutes
May 28, 2019: Minutes